
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Boyz R Stoopid

Taylor has a slumber party to attend this Thursday night to celebrate graduation and with an empty house in my hands - what else to do but host a social gathering?

Since I'm usually nothing if not unique, I am calling to order a Boyz R Stoopid party for the "walking wounded" - the girls I know who have a beef with cupid. Refreshments to include cheesecake, cookies, chocolate, Haagen Daas, brownies, Cosmopolitans and Appletinis. There's much debate on whether we should have cookies and brownies or cookie dough (which may or may not get cooked) and brownie mix (which also may or may not be actually cooked).

Entertainment will be chick flicks - The Holiday, Under the Tuscan Sun and any other film where girl meets boy, boy breaks girls heart, girl goes on to far better life and far better boy.

Invites are already out. Girls are excited and amused. Happy women in stable relationships are strictly forbidden to attend.

Let the coven converge.

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