
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

That Damned Phone

So...Roger. That 'emotionally unattached' guy? The one my sister swears won't get all mushy and such on me?

He called me at midnight last night - just as I was crawling into bed (I hit "ignore") and then he called me at 6:40 am this morning...just as I was getting Taylor ready for school.


Just to say 'hi'.

Doesn't feel emotionally unattached. I think another one is about to bite the dust.


mistyblue3 said...

Men NEVER call that much, unless something is wrong w/ them. Yep, time for Roger to go.

perdido said...

I'm so glad you found a place to move...hope it works out!

Anonymous said...

I don't even call my wife at 6:40 in the morning. He certainly went from being a nice guy to being too clingy quickly. Now that he's out of the picture are there any other prospects that you're going to go out with, or are you still planning to stay away from men for a while?

Drama Queen Christine said...

Stay away. Truth be told, I can't handle anyone being close to me