
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tip Toe

With my house approval, I find myself tense and tip toeing through my minutes. I am extremely tired after a difficult night.

Work last night was fun. The Tuesday night staff is my favorite shift. We're all playful and somehow the combination adds to a lot of teasing and laughing. The same people behave differently on other shifts when other people are there. One guy is a riot to work with until the girl he semi-dates is there and then he is tense and stressed and invisible.

But we had fun last night. It was still slow and I made the money I wanted to make by the skin of my teeth but still didn't make up for Sunday and Monday's slow shifts. I have 2 shifts left before Saturday morning and I need to bring in $188 dollar to make my goals. I work tonight and Friday night.

Friday night should be good for a minimum of $85. Tonight is really only good for about $65 at best. That leaves me short by $30. I am tempted to pick up a shift for tomorrow night but I really need to start my packing and I know I will be pushing complete exhaustion at that point. I'll have to see how it plays out. I'm not sure where else I can cut a corner or draw money from. I have enough right now to move according to budget but it's so close that I have to admit I am tense. A minor deviation can throw me off...

When I get like this I start to forget being tired and focus on money. I see every table sat and mentally calculate their worth to me. Ohhh, 3 people at table 82? That's at least $8 - $10. At the end of the night I am less aware of how much more money I need than what I need to be sat. If I am short $15 by 8:30 I might beg the host to get me sat another 3 or 4 person table to make it. Whatever it takes.

I need not only to have the money to move, but to be organized enough to make the move go smoothly. I have lists upon lists (ironically, Jeff would be so proud since he was a list-maker and I was always just wanting to go for it freestyle).

Speaking of Jeff.

Our civil communication continues. I have to be honest here...I know that it's not a friendship, not a renewal of love, not a rebound and not deep. I know that. I also know he still has the ability to affect me and make me think about him - but I can say that I maintain I would NEVER be with him again.

Having said that, this basic email only communication does tend to ease my feelings a lot. I am no longer hateful, angry or bitter. For some reason, this makes me feel better. I feel more peaceful. Maybe this is what will help me to move on. The bizarre thing is that when I am not spending my day hating him and wishing him dead I find that I have him on my mind less and I feel all-over better.

The song I posted last night suits to a t. I sure hope I don't break down here. The light at the end of a long, painful and difficult tunnel is within sight and I may be low on gas but I am praying I will make it and not falter on my course. My situation is just delicate enough that a stumble could alter the course.

I may not have done this with grace, even dignity or style - but damnit, I have survived this. The end is in sight...please just let me get to this finish line...

...then I can set the next goals...


Anonymous said...

Hate keeps you warm at night but is not the most productive of emotions. But sometimes, it keeps you alive and out of trouble. It helped you break free of Jeff's spell for example.

It takes a lot of energy to hate someone, energy that could go toward something else. So, its good that you don't hate Jeff anymore as long as you put the extra energy toward things that can benefit you. Talyor and the new house come to mind.

BTW: Is Brad going to be able to make it to dinner on Thursday?

Drama Queen Christine said...

Brad declined... :(