
Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Another blogger, Pretty Peanut, has posted what seems like a surrender to her marriage. She's reached a point of giving up and it's not hard to see why - things have been hard.

I commented. I told her to fight.

She said "Did you know that there are men in this world who literally worship their wives, men who think all day long of how wonderful she is? Men who never hang out with the boys, never watch sports, never sit around drinking beer, never look at porn or oogle at other women, but instead they spend all their time (except sleep and work) doing the shopping, cooking, cleaning, laundry, nurturing the children, and doing the other chores so the wife doesn't have to do them? Men who daily give their wives backrubs, footrubs, bubblebaths? Men who believe that his wife's happiness is the most important thing on earth? Man who accompany their wives when she goes shopping and hold her purse and purchases while she tries on new articles of clothing. Men who believe that sex is for the woman's pleasure and that she decides if, when, where, and how-and that her having ultimate fulfillment is what gives him fulfillment? Men who give the wife the final say in all matters, from where they go on vacation to how every cent of money is spent? Men who simply exist to make life happy for the women they love"

She added "Here's the deal. I know this, because I had it. He was it. He did all of those things. He was a knight in shining armor. He always made me feel like a queen.The problem? I treated him like crap. I took him for granted. I never appreciated him. I never showed that what he was doing was something that I appreciated. I just expected it after a while."

Yes, I know this story. I had one too. He hurt me and I couldn't get past it and in the end I opened the door to the foulest, most evil man alive who saw my marriage as a challenge and decided to take it away.

I would give anything to be in P.P.'s shoes. Anything to have a chance to fight for it. You can reach a point where it is too late - and EH/Brad and I have. But to be back in time, facing that opportunity to save our family again? I'd do anything.

Brad is my best friend. Still. We talk several times a day. He's there for me. He also has a way of letting me know he's well over me by telling me about the hot manager he's hitting on or remarking about girls he likes. He never did that before, so I suspect it's his way of keeping me distant from him or rubbing it in.

The connection we once had is gone. He'll listen to me and offer advice or encouragement, but it's clear that it's more objective and not from "love".

Yes, I let him go and yes, I lost him. I was wrong.

We had problems but we could have fixed them.

Now...? Now for us it really is too late.

Fight, Pretty Peanut. Fight like you're fighting for your life. Because in a way - you are.


Anonymous said...

I think that you are selling yourself short. You never really get over the love of your life. You may move on but you never can completely turn everything off. You mentioned once that Brad once considered you two meant to be together. Even if that is not your destiny now, those feelings never go away completely.

I don't think that he's rubbing it in so much as trying to be positive and not be forever devastated about the breakup. I've known more than one guy who though outwardly macho and outgoing was depressed for a months and months after being divorced. Guys, especially alpha male type men, take being divorced differently than women. They go through their whole life being able to fix everything, and then suddenly there's something they can't change no matter how much they want to. That takes a lot out of them. Some never completely recover.

I'm sure Brad wants for you to be happy. He's gone above and beyond the call of duty on more than one occasion (like helping you move or changing the tire on your truck) since you broke up with jeff. Considering the way that things happened last year I think that says a lot. You two could be like jeff and STBX.

You didn't say too much about how things ended last year but I gather that Brad fought pretty hard trying to convince you to stay and things got kind of ugly. You look at is as a negative since you ended up hurting him; but I think that you should look at it the other way around. Not many men would put it all out there on the line. Many would shield their feelings at he expense of making a less persuasive argument. It doesn't help things now but a least you know where you stood. And you don't have to wonder "what if".

Drama Queen Christine said...

MWCB - actually, the weird thing is that Brad didn't fight at all. He basically just gave up. I told him how I felt and he left. He didn't try to convince me I was wrong or anything else - he just...let go.

I often wish he had fought. I wonder if it could have made a difference, but truthfully - I doubt it. I was under jeff's spell by then already.